Experience journeydance.

JourneyDance™, founded by Toni Bergins, is a transformational dance experience that is facilitated rather than taught. We dance without mirrors to release judgement of ourselves and others. It’s not about learning steps, it’s about revealing and re-discovering your natural intuitive movement. The practice activates imagination and utilizes diverse forms of freestyle improvisational dance, yoga, ritual, theater, and shamanism. Set to a soundtrack of inspiring world music, JourneyDance™ is an ecstatic celebration of the human spirit.

Mark Ensweiler is certified as a JourneyDance™ Guide.



Experience soul motion.

Soul Motion®, founded by Vinn Arjuna Martí, is a meditative movement practice that leads dancer to connect to and expand their inner rhythms. During a Soul Motion® session, dancers move through four movement landscapes: intimate, communion community, and infinite. We move alone. We move together. We move with everyone. And we move our practice into our everyday lives.

Mark Ensweiler is a certified Soul Motion® Presenter.