I can’t remember feeling so free and passionately alive in my body! Mark’s beautifully timed and expertly facilitated guidance, along with a diverse range of inspiring music, takes me on a dancing journey into my heart and soul. What a blessing to surrender my head to my body, open my heart, and enter into a timeless state of bliss. I highly recommend Lotus Movement Arts as medicine for the soul!
— Janis, Women's Mentor, Wisconsin

My journey of personal growth has included wonderful movement offerings through Lotus Movement Arts. Mark Ensweiler, the facilitator, passionately brings everyone into a deeper connection to their body and heart. I highly recommend his work for anyone who seeks a more embodied and enlivened life.
— Gil, MD, Wisconsin

Your Journey Dance is a profoundly healing movement practice for me. I connect so readily with the center of my being, to the depths of my soul. Your gentle guidance leads me to discover places within myself and to reach thresholds that I am able to cross over. I am deeply grateful for your dedication to your own process, and for your commitment to sharing your knowledge and healing wisdom with others.
— Susan, Wisconsin